As partners in our sustainability journey, we actively work with our suppliers to elevate our shared social and environmental performance.

We support our suppliers in their pursuit of continuous improvement and operational excellence while expecting them to meet the highest standards of quality, ethics and sustainability.

Building a Sustainable Supply Chain

Our suppliers’ Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions comprise much of our Scope 3. That’s why our first step in addressing the Scope 3 emissions related to our products and solutions has been to engage with our suppliers along our vast and complex supply chain. Partnering with them allows us to align on best practices for reducing their own Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and ensure we're working together on this emission reduction journey.

We aspire to source our raw materials, finished goods, components and services from suppliers that meet our evolving sustainability criteria. This commitment includes working with our suppliers of products, goods and services to reduce supply chain emissions intensity by 52% by 2030 — and continuing to assess all of our new suppliers for adherence to our expectations.

It’s important that our key suppliers are included in our supply chain process. Over the years, we've engaged a large number of our suppliers to take part in CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), and many of these suppliers have submitted to CDP for the first time in response to our request.


For suppliers doing business with us, please read or download the following:

Stanley Black & Decker is actively committed to eradicating human trafficking and slavery from its supply chain.


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Stanley Black & Decker is committed to taking all reasonable steps to comply with the legislation and has begun the process of determining where conflict minerals exist within our supply chain.


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We’re working to make sure our raw materials, finished goods, components and services come from suppliers that meet our evolving sustainability criteria.


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This statement summarizes steps taken by the U.K. subsidiaries of Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking in any form is not taking place in our organization, supply chains or in any part of our business.


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Responsible expenditure of Stanley Black & Decker funds requires the proper consideration of price, quality, reliability and data security, as well as consistent service and delivery terms.


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This overviews our standards and expectations for Stanley Black and Decker’s potential and current suppliers as we strategically collaborate on our collective goals for our supply chain.


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Stanley Black and Decker’s suppliers are required to acknowledge and comply with our Code of Business Ethics and its referenced documents, such as the Human Rights Policy Statement, legal obligations, and industry standards, and establish a sustainable procurement policy (addressing regulations such as the UK Modern Slavery Act, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, etc.) regarding their suppliers’ operational practices and supply chains.


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Sometimes numbers speak louder than words.

See our progress.

1. For purposes of our goal, our Scope 3 emissions include only our emissions measured in Scope 3 categories 1, 4, and 11, because those emissions are the most significant that we have the ability to reduce through our decision-making.

2. For the purpose of this goal, “67% by spend” is measured against our spend with Tier 1 suppliers. To meet our criteria, a supplier’s target must cover Scope 1 and 2 emissions and follow a reduction trajectory over 5–15 years that aligns with the Paris Agreement’s “well below 2°C” pathway.