Cleaner air, less waste and a brighter future…for everybody. Our commitment to environmental sustainability remains core to how we operate, particularly with regard to climate, waste and water.


Climate change remains the defining issue of our time. That’s why we’ve made sustainability a fundamental part of our culture, as demonstrated through our alignment with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. 

Across our entire global enterprise, we’re making clear progress on reducing our overall operational environmental footprint, including energy consumption (Scope 1 and Scope 2), water stewardship and waste generation and landfilling.

Actions To Goal

Icon of carbon emissions down


42% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2030 from a 2022 baseline1

Icon of a power cord in a figure 8

Waste Reduction

100% zero waste to landfill for global manufacturing and distribution sites by 20402

2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

All large companies, including Stanley Black & Decker, have a key role to play in accelerating the ambitious actions needed to secure a future where people and the planet can thrive by upholding the U.N. Global Compact 10 Principles and advancing the SDGs. We’re working actively toward cleaner water, minimizing waste generation and landfilling and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to lessen climate risk and find climate opportunities.


Sustainable development goal #6 for clean water and sanitation
Sustainable development goal #7 for affordable and clean energy
Sustainable development goal #12 for responsible consumption and production
Sustainable development goal #13 for climate action
Sustainable development goal #14 for life below water
Sustainable development goal #15 for life on land
Factory worker stacking products

Renewable Energy is Key

Transitioning our operations to renewable energy is reducing our total electrical load and carbon intensity.

Our Decarbonization Efforts
Sunny day of a lake

Using Water Sustainably

Clean, fresh water sustains our communities and helps ecosystems thrive.

Our Water Stewardship Policy
A massive factory floor

Goodbye to Waste

We’re achieving Zero Waste to Landfill status by minimizing waste and reusing and recycling wherever possible.

Learn More

Combating climate change and building resiliency into our operations remains a key strategic priority for Stanley Black & Decker. We continue to invest in decarbonizing our operations through process innovation, on- and off-site renewable energy programs, including on-site solar and management system enhancements.

Portrait of Tamer Abuaita
Tamer Abuaita
Global Supply Officer & President, Industrial

Sometimes numbers speak louder than words.

See our progress.

1. Scope 1: All direct emissions from those activities under our control, stationary and mobile, including fuel combustion on-site such as gas-fired furnaces and boilers. Scope 2: Indirect emissions from electricity purchased and used.

2. Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWTL) goal applies to our our manufacturing facilities and distribution centers where we have control of the operations and Incineration with energy recovery is included in our ZWTL performance.